Overly’s VLRB and LRB series blast- and pressure resistant doors are personnel size 1-3/4” thick, lightweight doors that have the appearance and user friendly features of standard hollow metal type doors.
VLRB units are designed to utilize standard builder’s hardware including hinges and mortise locksets or mortise panic devices to accommodate blast pressures defined as Very Low.
LRB units are “hardened” heavy-duty hollow metal doors with strategically placed reinforcing steel and incorporating proprietary modified mortise locksets or mortise panic restraining hardware to accommodate blast pressures defined as Low.
Both series of product are available in single and double leaf swings. Horizontal sliding doors of similar construction and load ratings are also available.
These units are available fabricated from carbon steel for interior use, galvannealed steel for exterior use and depending on the projects blast requirements, 316 and 316L stainless steel. Other features that may be incorporated into these openings include such items as vision lights up to 100 sq inches, door position indicators, lock/unlock sensors, insulation and weatherstripping.
For those openings requiring automatic power assist opening operation, Overly can incorporate devices to accommodate this need.
If fire ratings are required, all VLRB and LRB can be UL Labeled up to 3-hours in accordance with UL Standard for Safety UL10C, “Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies,” when the project parameters meet the requirements of the UL procedures. Consult factory with your specific project requirement needs for availability.
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